Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Monday, December 27, 2010

Text Edit Experiment - + Taxidermy & High Art vs. Low

Experimental Post Alert: I'm struggling with which Mac program to write my blog drafts in. (Yes, I could just write it at blogspot but I'm a little rusty right now). Writing the text in my email program has been creating flukey conflicts in the blogspot.com program. Importing photos is screwing with the font size and the html links I'm writing seem to be confusing things further. Right now I'm attempting to use the Text Edit Application to see if it's less apt to cause computer glitches.

I'll use this opportunity to post an image of my Christmas present from last year - "The Swamp Monster". Brad (truck driver and hubby) found this most unusual gift at an Army Surplus store. He's an expert at picking out the perfect present for me. I got AN ACTUAL DRUM SET the year before I was bequeathed this taxidermy token of love. (Now I just have to keep practicing my herky-jerky rhythms on the rackin' frackin' thing). The Swamp Monster is actually a deer's ass with lifelike prosthetics added. I'll attempt to include the Swamp Monster picture as part of this experiment.

In terms of using some html to embed a link - I'll use the official website of Polly Morgan (the lofty and highfalutin, British Taxidermy Artist). This will also serve as another experiment - contrasting 'High Art & "Low Art' via taxidermy.

Here's an example of Polly Morgan's work:

Her tableaux are beautiful. It's just the hype accompanying stratospheric art-world status that can interfere with unencumbered appreciation. In terms of the debate over high & low art Brad just remarked that low art is less pretentious, therefore more honest. He's never been a big fan of conceptual art. I haven't either. We both suffered through art school at a time when the merits of your work were sometimes judged more by how versed you were in 'artspeak'. Figurative art was out and installation art was in. It could be extremely frustrating listening to students yammer on about pieces that couldn't stand on their own without an accompanying convoluted analysis. I'm still kind of pissed off about that.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Friday, December 24, 2010

Remy Norton's Blog (and Happy Holidays TOO)!

At the moment there is only one blog I frequent regularly. It's called Remy Norton. Click on Remy Norton and you TOO can follow it - It's a solid recommendation from me to you! Her blog circles around in engaging configurations. Some recent posts include her thoughts on what it means to be a writer, mini book reviews, some hilarious experiences working in retail sales, 'Magical Thinking', book hoarding, Tarot cards, the vagaries of time, fashion philosophy and obscure words and their meaning. It's difficult to sum it up since her blog takes so many thought provoking turns. Norton makes unique connections between 'mundane' topics and their deeper meaning. She's not afraid to put her opinion out there- something I admire. I don't think I've ever left so many comments (or such long-winded ones) on anyone's blog. Her posts always trigger my interest or leave me scratching my head in a good way. I think that's because I'm trying to keep up with her intellectually but am often left in the dust. It's overall a serious blog with definite laugh out loud moments. Norton has a knack for identifying the core absurdities of certain truths.

Just as an aside, Remy's book hoarding posts have special meaning AND fabulous ramifications for me since I became the recipient of an armful of outstanding books! She very kindly donated a selection of Taschen's "Icon" series (vintage imagery of Valentine's Day, Halloween plus 50's and 60's Advertising) and a beautiful compendium of 1960's gift wrap design called "All Wrapped Up". (That's an example of some of the Christmas gift wrap next to the picture of Remy at the top of the post). She also bequeathed me Edward Gorey's book "Amphigorey". I think she was a little dismayed that there was such a gaping hole in my knowledge base, as I was quite unfamiliar with Mr. Gorey and his singular qualities and vast influence. What can I say? I'm embarrassed about that. (Although sometimes being so ignorant gives me the opportunity to happily explore a new avenue of interest).

Norton is a serious writer with one mystery novel already published. It's titled "Gossip Kills" (look for it on Amazon)! "Gossip Kills" is an engaging, crisp and pithy mystery that reminded me of sunny days reading my Mom's Agatha Christie novels. It's solid, straightforward and filled with amusing, quirky characters. It's obvious that Remy Norton has a fervent passion for writing and keenly ruminating on all manner of things. To sum up, her blog is one of my regular stops in cyberspace and I highly recommend it!