Thursday, July 5, 2007

Amazing Japanese Erasers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are some Amazing Japanese Erasers. (Just click on the above picture to study their total AMAZINGNESS in full, AMAZING detail). I own 3 sets - The Sushi, The Baked Goods and The Desserts! I think that's excellent. If I owned more I might become too tranquil and enlightened.

The AMAZING thing about them is that each eraser is multi-faceted. They fit together with little plugs so each piece of a particular "object" is an eraser in it's own right. For instance . . . the donut is actually in two parts - one/the icing AND two/the donut itself. You get the idea I'm sure. It's so amazing taking them apart then putting them back together!!!!

The manufacturer's website is in Japanese and even though I didn't know where the hell I was going I managed to copy and paste every image I could find. Hey, by the way - does every computer have an auto translation button/program/thingy? Just curious. It would be nice, wouldn't it? (I just showed a vast amount of ignorance asking that question).

Oh my goodness - I just went back to the website and they have even more AMAZING new erasers like:

Here, check it out for yourself. It's so amazing. Go to Iwako

Dig the pictures of Iwako's smiling employees holding up their amazing products in what looks like an extremely clean and hyper-hygienic environment. Here's an example:

Yes, this is much of how I spend my time - looking and hoping to find things as amazing as Japanese Erasers.

(My apologies to all the friends I've already emailed the erasers to).

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