Saturday, April 28, 2007

Hipster Slang of The Week - #1 in a Series

I've been very inspired by "Straight From The Fridge, DAD - A Dictionary of Hipster Slang" by Max Decharne. As the book jacket explains "Much of the slang popularly associated with the hippie generation of the 1960's actually dates back to before World War II, hijacked in the main from jazz and blues street expressions, mostly relating to drugs, sex and drinking."

I knew those hippies were a bunch of poseurs and sell-outs. THE BEAT GENERATION RULES.

Well, um, anyway, slang (or colloquialisms) can be useful and entertaining. Or annoying. They can be fresh - become stale - and go in and out of style. There are some I use with abandon (like "bummer") and some that never come naturally to me (like "sweet"). I thought I'd devote a post each week to some kind of slang (or unusual word or phrase). After I post I'll try to use that word or phrase throughout my week. After 2 weeks people will be telling me to shut the f*ck up but for now I'm looking at it as an interesting little social experiment. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION PLEASE - feel free to join me and send any colloquialism that "trips your trigger".

So this week's phrase is . . . "Out to the wide"

Which means UNCONSCIOUS. Pretty simple huh? That shouldn't be too hard to slip into a conversation or two.

Stay tuned for next week's vocabulary embellishment.

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